In Search Of A Top-Quality Dissertation Proposal On Human Rights

Before you start any search for work that has already been written, take a bit of time to make a few notes so you are very clear what you are looking for.

  • Look through the instructions that your professor has given you.
  • By reading through the instructions it also helps you to both acknowledge and determine what needs to be included in a top-quality dissertation proposal in comparison to mediocre or poor proposal.
  • Your professor may have given you an example of a dissertation proposal, that meets the exacting needs of the school/university that you are studying with.

Another aspect that you also need to think about before you start your search is that 'Human Rights' is a very large and emotive area of study. Try to pinpoint particular aspects that interest you:

  • Topic
  • Cause & Effect
  • Historical Aspects
  • Influences on society and global views.

With all of this in mind, you can now start your search.

  • Start by deciding on the key words that you need to use. Make a note of the order in which you want to use the words (dissertation proposals, human rights). Be prepared to change your key words if your, initial search does not give you suitable results.
  • Using a search engine, look for sites that are offering dissertation proposals in your area of interest. Armed with the information that you gathered earlier, use it to determine the quality of the work.
  • If you are unsure of the quality of work that you are seeking then you could also try searching for a video presentation of an annotated example of a dissertation proposal. Video presentations are usually very helpful.
  • Try to get an example of the type of work that is offered by a website that claims to meet your needs. Once you think that your have found a website that offers the quality of service that you need, you then need to go to your next checklist.

Further investigations.

Once you think that you have found the right website then do a little more checking:

  • Cost. Cost is usually related to two aspects, quality and time. The better the quality the more it will cost you and the less time in which you need the work produced the more it will cost you.
  • Writer. Make sure that the website is offering you a writer that has the same first language as yourself. There are some really excellent writers out there, but they need to understand the idioms of the language that you would use.
  • Guarantees. Make sure that the website is offering work that is guaranteed to be original and plagiarism free. The work also need to be proofread and edited. If you are not sure ask.
